Eagle Candidate -

This page will help a life rank youth obtain his Eagle Project.

Other Adults

Candidate ( Scout Youth )

Watch 'Fat Guys in the Woods' on The Weather Channel

Eagle Scout survival expert Creek Stewart asks fellow Eagle Scouts to check out his show Fat Guys in the Woods, airing at 9 p.m. Sundays on The Weather Channel.

Each week, Creek takes three regular guys into the wild where they learn the art and science of outdoor survival while battling the threats of Mother Nature.

In short: He’ll help them Be Prepared.

Boy Scout Eagle Project how to

This web site is designed to help give a Scout a resource for executeing a project.

This page will help inform parents / benefactor / Mom's and Dads of what there role is in the project.

You can do this just go one step at a time

This Page will help guide Scout Masters / Project Coach / Committee chair and other Scout leaders

Scouter ( Adult leader )

How to execute an Eagle Project